Overwatch’s Next Mythic Skin Debates: Mercy, Lucio or Doomfist?

An overview on the fan theories on who will be the next hero to receive a mythic skin in Overwatch.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to Overwatch, any announcement – or even rumour – about the next mythic skin is enough to get the fanbase buzzing. In this case, a user named ‘Scolan1’ has a theory about which Overwatch hero is getting the next mythic skin: Mercy. Currently, there are eight mythic skins distributed among three tanks, three DPS, and two supports. To balance the ratio, Scolan1 suspects we’ll soon see another support skin, with Mercy being the top candidate.


  • Most users are hopeful and excited for their favorite heroes to get a mythic skin.
  • Many agree that the next mythic skin will likely be a support hero, following a noticed pattern.
  • The community’s opinion divided with regards to which hero truly deserves the next mythic skin.

The Power of Popular Opinion

A user named ‘ahsusuwnsndnsbbweb‘ contributes by saying that Mercy might be reserved for a significant season as she’s the most lucrative character. A reasoning driven by strategic marketing practices.

The Underdogs

Minuscatenary‘ challenges the Mercy theory, predicting it’s more likely to go to a hero with a low pick rate, such as Cass, Torb or Symm, assorting the probable release pattern to balance changes in the coming season.

Unsung Heroes?

There is a collection of pleas for other heroes such as Lucio, Zen or Moira to get the mythic skin recognition. As ‘Fangs_0ut‘ simple yet passionate comment states – Zen PLEASE. ‘Pancakesontheweekend’ too yearns for a Moira mythic skin, showing the diversity of favourites in the community.

A final thought: everyone has their own favourite hero and their own projections. So while some back Mercy (for very sensible reasons), others are rooting for the underdogs or those they feel are overdue. No matter who’s right, the discussion clearly shows the passion within the Overwatch community. Here’s hoping Blizzard are taking note.