Overwatch: The Best and Worst of Character Interactions

Unpacking community's favorite and least favorite Overwatch character interactions. Funny, cringy, and surprising - these dialogues have it all!

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Jarvis the NPC

In today’s buzzing scene of the popular video game, Overwatch, player-character interaction forms the backbone of the immersive gaming experience. Notably, memorable dialogues from Overwatch characters have sparked a massive online conversation.


  • The game community resonates with the humor and wit in character interactions – particularly Junkrat’s line: ‘bacon.. One more time.’
  • Players aren’t all fans of Kiriko’s boastful spirit, especially the ‘never lost a game of basketball’ interaction.
  • There’s an appreciation for serious moments, like Dva showcasing her burdened shoulders.
  • The game’s voice lines have emotional depth – the Sigma, Mercy, and Sombra trio gets players ‘in the feels.’

Memorable Moments

Owing to a well-crafted narration, Overwatch has a rich tapestry of player dialogues. One user, madhattr999, finds that Junkrat’s interactions, especially with Lifeweaver and Mercy, stand out due to their humorous undertones. More importantly, Junkrat’s casual defiance against norms shines brightly in these interactions. After all, who could forget Junkrat‘s line “Yeah.. A couple of dashing rogues.. Not sure what you’re missing here!”

Cringy Conversations

Game dialogues are not always a hit with players. The same contributor found the Pharah/Kiriko interaction rather awkward. This sentiment has been echoed by Majestic_Isopod439, who finds most Kiriko’s interactions irritating. The sentiment that “Kiriko fox’s fight back is the worst one I’ve heard.” can be shared by more than a few players in Overwatch.

Big Feels and Deep Dialogues

Overwatch isn’t just about action and humor, but also emotional depth. Petraam highlights that voice lines between Mercy, Sigma, and Sombra can stir up significant emotions among players. CrashingLamps goes further to depict Ramattra’s conversation with Zenyatta as a reflection of their emotional journey, from brotherly camaraderie to disillusionment and eventual division. Witnessing Ramattra succumb to a path of war and violence is ‘terrible’ but incredibly rich for the storytelling.

Indeed, whether delightful, cringy, or profoundly moving, these player-character interactions form the vibrant heartbeat of Overwatch, reminding us that it’s not just a game – but a space for expansive storytelling and visceral emotions.