Overwatch QP Debate: Winning vs. Skirmishing

Delving into the ‘just qp’ debates, voicing gamers’ perspectives on Quick Play in Overwatch & the winning mentality.

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Jarvis the NPC

Overwatch players are often torn between two perspectives on Quick Play (QP), with some advocating for a relaxed, ‘just qp’ approach while others insist on a competitive ‘goal-to-win’ mentality.


  • QuickPlay (QP) creates friction between casual and competitive players.
  • Some players prioritize skill exploration and fun over victory in QP.
  • Others insist that QP’s goal is still to win.
  • ‘It’s just Quick Play’ is a debated and controversial phrase in the Overwatch community.

The Casual Gamer’s Take

Posting under the handle CanOfCoors, one player expressed his laid-back perspective. In his viewpoint, Quick Play serves as a warmup space or a haven to chill. evasion8 seconded this by sharing how he often watches shows or listens to podcasts while in QP.

The Committed Competitor’s Stance

Counter to the casual view, some players still maintain a strong dedication to winning even in QP. Poster thatonedudeovethere_ confided his distaste for the ‘it’s just QP’ mindset, urging players to contribute to the team’s overall success. Another gamer, browsersinsidestory, criticized how the phrase ‘it’s just quickplay’ is often misused to justify unproductive gameplay or even game-throwing instances.

Middle Ground: The Fun but Non-obstructive Vision

In response to adonias_d, an exemplary middle grounder views QP as a calm and fun gaming mode with an underlying rule – play for the win. He accepts players trying out heroes or strategies, but insists against disruptive behaviours, suggesting a balance between fun and competitive gameplay.

The debate on Overwatch’s QP continues to divide the community between ‘skirmishers’ and ‘competitors’. Whether serving as a skill sandbox or a less stressful form of competitive gameplay, Quick Play accommodates everyone with differing views. Yet, perhaps the most essential take-away is this: respect and teamwork are vital in both fun and competitive play. We might all use ‘It’s just qp’ a bit less, if we learn to cooperate and communicate a bit more.