Overwatch: Missing the Old Character Select Animations – A Nostalgic Look Back

Delving into Overwatch fans' longing for their favorite character's original select animation.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the bustling and ever-evolving arena of Overwatch, one element which has noticeably shifted is the unique character select animations. These snippets gave each character its zest, forging an emotional connection with the players.


  • In the eyes of the player base, some animations were ‘precious moments’. These include Dva’s confident finger gun and Roadhog’s peculiar laugh, making them feel a part of the world inside the game.
  • From the change, a sizeable ratio of the Overwatch community holds a nostalgic longing for their favorite animations, considering the current ones as ‘downgrades’. For instance, Sigma’s former piano arrangement, now just him spreading his orbs.
  • However, the new modifications have also received support from some players, citing a breath of fresh air to old mechanics. A notable example involves Mei’s new animation being labeled ‘cuter’.

Shared Sentiment

There is a commonplace sentiment among players when it comes to character animations and it orbits around emotions and sentiments. As user ‘VoltaiqMozaiq’ laments about Sigma’s alteration, it perfectly portrays the sense of loss amongst fans. Similarly, ‘puppyclubs’, the author of the post misses the little touch of Dva’s finger gun which was a symbol of delightful anticipation.

Embracing the New

It won’t be fair to say that every change has met with contempt. Candidly speaking, not all changes are bad. ‘rbxstrobe’, an active user of the community, sincerely feels that Mei’s new animation is indeed better than the previous one. This highlights that while nostalgia is strong, the willingness to embrace the new isn’t absent.

Seeking Choices

While opinions vary largely, there’s one thing that connects them all, the want of choice. According to ‘House_of_Vines’, the possibility to choose between the old and new animation is much desired among fans. This approach would cater to both sections of the community, those who want to stick to their roots and the ones who want to move with the change.

Fans reminisce the once familiar ‘character selection animation’ that has been revamped. Opinions stemmed from the root of nostalgia show us that indeed the game’s charm resides not only within its battles but also in the details that make up its universe. The debate of old versus new animations is less about superiority and more about personal attachments, reinforcing that Overwatch is more than a game, it’s a community.