Overwatch Gameplay: The Overwatch Community’s Perspective on Reaper’s Possible Rework

User insights about a potential Reaper rework in Overwatch online community stir debate - is it necessary, is it not? Overwatch users chime in!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Overwatch universe, the hero Reaper is allegedly gearing up for some major changes. However, the community seems to be wondering if these revisions are necessary or even justified.


  • User Ok_Equipment2450 got the community talking about Reaper’s impending redesign. Sharing elevated skill levels with Reaper, they believe his current kit is balanced and competently counters adversaries.
  • BlahajInMyPants disagree, suggesting “Reaper’s Ult needs a big nerf“. Could it be OP?
  • Meanwhile, football-john supports the essence of Reaper, indicating that “Reaper is perfect as he is”, linking to post.
  • Beautiful_Might_1516 humorously connects Reaper players’ strategy to the hero’s ultimate reach, while AdOk6348 suggests alternate tweaks to maintain consistency and simplicity.

Reaper: To Rework or Not?

Ok_Equipment2450 seemingly opened Pandora’s Box by questioning the need for the proposed Reaper rework. Fans are torn between supporting the possibility of an enhanced gameplay experience and preserving an existing one. This argument reflects the ever-evolving nature of the game and the high stakes of game-balancing decisions impacting game characters adored and familiar to dedicated players.

The Controversy Surrounding ‘The Reaper’s Ult’

Role dynamics have always been a hot topic in Overwatch, and the proposed rework has fueled extensive discussions. Many players have come forward, favoring the case for a rework, such as BlahajInMyPants, who seems frustrated with the current impact of ‘The Reaper’s Ult’.

The Fan’s Perspective

Many users, like football-john and AdOk6348, wish to maintain the status quo. They argue that change is not warranted and fear that drastic alterations may disrupt the current hero balance within the game.

So here we are, Overwatch fans. A beloved hero, Reaper, is on the brink of a potential rework. As we have seen with this discussion, player opinions are mixed. Some players welcome change, seeing it as a necessary adjustment for balance. Others cling onto the hope that their beloved Reaper will remain familiar. As updates unfurl, only time will tell who has the last laugh- Reaper or the community.