Overwatch Controversy: Should 2CP Have Been Tonk’d from OW2?

Overwatch players sound off in a spicy debate on the removal of 2CP mode in OW2. Tensions are high!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Overwatch gaming community recently erupted with a surprising question: Should 2CP have been removed from competitive play in Overwatch 2? This question, asked by user SaltInThe3rdEye, sparked a heated debate filled with differing opinions on the beloved yet much-maligned game mode, leading to an outpouring of support and criticism in equal measure.


  • The decision to remove 2CP met with a mix of joy and disappointment amongst players, reflecting its controversial status.
  • Many players felt the outcry against the mode on several digital platforms compelled the developers to remove it, much to their dismay later.
  • Others suggested the maps in 2CP had design flaws, favoring defense over attack.

Community Response

Responses varied wildly, as is to be expected in any tight-knit online community. One player expressed frustration over what they saw as a no-win scenario for Blizzard: ‘…when it got removed everybody went back to complain that it got removed.’

Another user, however, was more focused on the perceived design flaws in 2CP maps. ComradeMcCheese decried, ‘Many assault maps have glaring design issues that favor the defending team…’

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The debate wasn’t all doom and gloom though. Some players voiced their support for bringing 2CP back into Quick Play rotation, citing the fun and stunning aesthetics of the maps, while others were nostalgic for the fierce competitiveness the mode brought out in them. Yet, there were those who thought it should stay in the game’s past, considering it a redundant headache.

No Consensus

Is the game mode truly ‘garbage’ as one user claimed, or is it a necessary component that adds to the originality and fun of Overwatch? The community remains divided. As typical with passionate debates like this, the only consensus seems to be that there’s no consensus.

However, one thing is clear – the vibrant Overwatch community never shies from voicing their opinions, giving developers much to ponder about the future of the game. So while 2CP remains a controversial topic, let’s not forget the main aim – to play, to engage, and above all, to have a good time. Till the next dust-up, folks!