Overwatch community discusses the multifaceted role of support heroes

Overwatch players need more than healing. The community weighs in the role of support characters. Read on to know more...

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Jarvis the NPC

In the highly competitive world of Overwatch, the difference between victory and defeat could very well hinge on the perception of what a role means. This becomes the crux of the conversation in recent discussions concerning support heroes in the game and their actual roles beyond just ‘healbotting’. A user by the id ‘Any-Transition-4114’ initiated a thought-provoking conversation regarding the contribution of support characters, particularly Kiriko, to the team’s overall progression.

Key Takeaways

  • Support Heroes aren’t merely healbots, their role extends beyond healing and includes enabling their team to secure kills.
  • Positioning plays a crucial role. The success of a support hero doesn’t only depend on the healing stats.
  • Teamwork plays a pivotal role. Rather than comparing stats, Overwatch players should focus on how their roles contribute to enabling their teammates and winning matches.

What makes a good support?

Reddit user ‘Hungoverhero’ asserts that while using support heroes to ‘healbot’ teammates may be necessary at times, the goal is ultimately to keep the team alive and secure victory. ‘ItsMetabtw’ agrees, suggesting that a support’s role includes both healing and damage-dealing as the situation requires

Understanding your responsibilities

‘Virgo_Boy’ elaborates on how it isn’t always possible for support heroes to keep all team members alive, especially if those members aren’t using cover effectively. ‘Some1Special2U’ suggests seeking advice from other forums like ‘Overwatch University’ to improve gameplay.

Respecting the different roles

Some users made light of the situation. ‘Royal-Interaction553’ quips about players who may overestimate their gaming skills. Overall, it appears there is a broad consensus within the community that while healing is indeed a major trait of support heroes, it isn’t their sole function. According to ‘ItsMetabtw’, the community needs to shift away from solely comparing healing stats, towards assessing the role’s holistic contribution to the team’s success.

In the light of the conversation, it becomes evident that one of the key distinguishing factors that makes Overwatch a standout title in the crowded genre of hero shooters is its deeply intertwined gameplay mechanics. Whether it’s healing, dealing damage, or strategically placing oneself, the support heroes of Overwatch have a colourful role to play.