Overwatch Character Rebalance: The Roadhog Rework Players Are Loving

Taking a look at the widely-approved Roadhog rework in Overwatch, as discussed by its vibrant gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Within the dynamic universe of Overwatch, character reworking is a prominent aspect that constantly shakes up the battlefield. Recently, one such rework has captivated players’ attention. ‘Roadhog’, known for his chain hook and scrap gun, has undergone a transformation that has hit a sweet spot among gamers of all levels.


  • Post and comments exhibit positive sentiments towards the Roadhog rework.
  • Players appreciate the balanced power the character now holds.
  • Rework has improved gameplay without making the character feel overpowering.
  • Well-defined weaknesses and counterplay options add to the character’s appeal.

Roadhog’s Appeal Among Players

As elaborately stressed in a comment by ‘please_trade_marner’, the well-executed rework has resulted in a neutral reaction when the character is selected, signifying its balanced state in the game. The previous extremes of winning an entire match due to Roadhog or conversely, losing because of him, are thankfully absent.

The Discussion on Balance in Gameplay

E997, the original post author, emphasises how Roadhog’s rework maintains the fun aspect in the game. The character feels solid to play alongside – no more fear of one-shot combo kills or rapid health depletion. What’s more, it’s not just the high-tier players who benefit, the character is equally viable at low ranks, making it an inclusive rework.

Improvements to Roadhog’s Abilities

As pointed out a comment by ‘DeviousDeevo’, the newly revamped pig pen ability of Roadhog can sometimes feel overpowering, but it also adds a layer of challenge to the game, making it all the more engaging.

This revised Roadhog universally resonates amongst players. It is a testament to the developers’ knack for creating well-thought-out reworks while catering to the need for balance in gameplay, in terms of power distribution among characters and range of abilities. Moreover, defining clear counterplays and weaknesses keeps it fair and adds to the strategic aspect of Overwatch.