Overwatch 2: The Mind-Games Meta

Discover the new meta in Overwatch 2 where wit outplays brute force. Unhinged sentences are the game-changer!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Overwatch, it seems the battlefield is rapidly shifting from physical to psychological. As it turns out, the chat box you benignly type “gg” into could be your secret weapon.


  • Unconventional chat box tactics confuse the enemy and may cause them to leave the match
  • With this tactic, traditional skillsets become secondary
  • Such bizarre phrases led to some amusing responses from Blizzard Gamemasters

The Psychology of Confusion

Imagine diving into a match and the first thing you see in the chat box is “Autozone closes at 7 pm.” Confused? That’s the point. The author, Relevant-Ninja604, believes that these types of unhinged sentences sow seeds of doubt into the enemy team. Pulling from a comment by Absolade, this approach appears to have a surprising effectivity.

Community Experiences

Members of the community shared their personal experiences with this approach. Some users, like iTwango, have been employing this mindgame for ages, leading to some really entertaining responses. LSatou confesses they would crack up reading such phrasing in a match, while NitneuDust shares their method of starting off with a conversation.

Reactions: Polarizing or Universal?

{Feedback to this tactic isn’t all the same. While some find it amusing and state that it works, others even as far as calling Overwatch community a bunch of weirdos due to such behaviour, is the comment made by tomtom872872. Yet, it can’t be denied that this unconventional approach has caught the attention of many.

Who knew sowing chaos through the chat box could have such a potential impact on your game? In the world of Overwatch 2, your biggest weapon might just be your quick wit and your ability to type the most random sentence known to man. The result? A meta that defies tradition, proving that sometimes, laughter can indeed be the best strategy!