Overwatch 2 Sigma: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Want to get better at Sigma in Overwatch 2 Competitive or Quick Play? Learn all about his unique abilities and how to win more games on his best maps.

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Jared Wentworth

Key Takeaways

  • Sigma’s best maps feature medium sightlines, such as Circuit Royale, which allow him to get maximum value from his primary fire.
  • Sigma’s worst maps feature a need for speed (Sigma lacks movement abilities), or those which contain important high ground choke points for the same reason.
  • Sigma is countered by heroes and team compositions that are able to close space quickly and overwhelm him due to his lack of mobility. 
  • Sigma can also struggle against beam weapons due to his inability to mitigate beam damage outside of his low health shield. Find teammates on the free Z League app to make sure your team cooperates to support you against these types of heroes. 

Sigma Quick Tips

  • Sigma has 550 total health, with 200 shields.
  • Sigma maintains the area around him well, but without movement abilities, he is unable to quickly close gaps between his team and the enemy team.
  • Sigma relies on efficient cycling of his abilities—similar to Doomfist, if all of his abilities are on cooldown, he’s extremely vulnerable.

Sigma Abilities Explained


Img via Blizzard Entertainment

Hyperspheres (Primary Fire)

Hyperspheres launches two projectiles in quick succession at the enemy team. Each projectile does 55 damage upon direct impact, with a small radius where 9-30 splash damage is possible. Hyperphere takes 1.5 seconds to regenerate, but reloading isn’t needed. Hyperspheres are not on a meter, which means they do not have the potential to “overheat” like Orisa’s Augmented Fusion Driver does.

Hyperspheres will bounce off the environment until they make an impact or their 22 meter range is exhausted. Therefore, skilled Sigma players often make use of his primary fire to target enemies around corners, to secure kills and/or keep Sigma himself protected from taking damage.

Experimental Barrier

With 700 health, Sigma’s Experimental Barrier is easily bursted down by the enemy team. This weakness is counterbalanced by the fact that Sigma can launch his shield forward in front of him, unlike static shield tanks like Reinhardt.

To redeploy the barrier, it first needs to be canceled, then a two second recall occurs before it can be deployed again. Sigma players should be aware of where their shields are positioned, immediately canceling the shield if it’s in an ineffective position to allow for on-command future positioning when needed.

Kinetic Grasp

Kinetic Grasp blocks projectiles. When the ability ends, Sigma receives 60% of the damage absorbed in the form of temporary shields, with 400 additional shields as the maximum. By blocking damage then providing shields, Kinetic Grasp is a unique ability that allows Sigma to instantly transition between defense and offense, potentially catching enemies off guard. 


Accretion fires a large projectile in front of Sigma, with a slight arc. Upon impact, the projectile deals up to 100 direct damage, up to 40 splash damage, and knocks back enemies slightly (direct hits provide greater knockback). Accretion can be used in quick succession with his Hyperspheres to quickly kill many damage (DPS) and support heroes, and it’s also useful to cancel enemy ultimate abilities like Pharah’s Rocket Barrage and Reaper’s Death Blossom.

Gravitic Flux (Ultimate)

When activated, Sigma gains vertical mobility. A large circle appears, which is telegraphed to the enemy team for one second. When the ability activates, affected enemies are pulled into the air, then slammed into the ground and stunned temporarily. The ability deals 50 damage to affected enemies immediately, and takes away 50% of their maximum total health pool upon slamming into the ground.

To get the right sightlines, Sigma frequently has to expose himself in midair to the enemy team, which means he can be killed before the ability activates. Sigma players should confirm their teammates are ready to follow up on the ability—Gravitic Flux can deal lots of damage to multiple players, but in a percentage-based fashion, which means enemies will be quite weak but require additional damage to secure the kill.

  • mL7support – High level support player who streams usually starts before 9 AM ET and often runs for 8-10 hours each day.
  • Emongg – Associated with the San Francisco Shock and can be seen playing every Monday through Saturday starting around 9 AM ET.