Overwatch 2 Ramattra: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Need advice on how to play Ramattra? See who he counters and when to use his abilities to make the biggest impact on your Overwatch 2 ranked games.

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Jared Wentworth

Ramattra Key Takeaways

  • Ramattra is a well-rounded tank with both medium- and short-range engagement options, making him a good pick on a variety of maps.
  • Ramattra struggles in particular on maps with lots of high ground, as he has no vertical movement abilities and has a very large hitbox when in Nemesis Form.
  • Thanks to his shield, medium-range primary fire, and slowing abilities, Ramattra counters medium-range characters such as Soldier: 76.
  • Ramattra has no significant movement abilities, which means he’s countered by competent enemy dive heroes (such as Wrecking Ball) that can avoid his projectile primary fire and short-range Nemesis Form.

Ramattra Quick Tips


Img via Blizzard Entertainment

  • Ramattra has 450 total health and can gain 225 armor instantly if Nemesis Form is off cooldown.
  • As a tempo tank, Ramattra relies on efficient cycling of abilities—if only his primary fire is available, he’s vulnerable and/or ineffective.
  • Skilled Ramattra are able to recognize key opportunities for each ability, which allows for active playmaking, rather than passive gameplay which maintains space, but doesn’t create it.
  • Ramattra players can benefit from downloading the free Z League app and finding teammates who will support their unique style of play. 

Ramattra Abilities Explained

Void Accelerator (Primary Fire)

Void Accelerator shoots a series of quick projectiles. Each projectile deals 4.5 damage, the ammo clip size is 100, the weapon is eligible for a headshot multiplier, and there is no damage falloff—meaning there is the potential to deal lots of damage very quickly. The reload speed for his primary fire is also just one second, which means Ramattra can, and should, apply constant pressure to the enemy frontline.

Void Barrier

Void Barrier has 1000 health and can be deployed up to 35 meters in the distance. Between its mobility and health pool, Void Barrier is arguably the strongest shield in Overwatch 2. That being said, it does last for just four seconds, with a 13 second cooldown, meaning it has to be used efficiently to get maximum value from the ability. It cannot be toggled on and off like Reinhardt’s and Sigma’s can, and it does not have the quick cooldown timer that Winston does, so it’s very strong—but it’s not active as frequently.

Nemesis Form

Nemesis Form hides Ramattra’s Void Accelerator and turns him into a melee hero with a Pummel ability, which deals 60 damage per hit, has a much longer range than an ordinary melee attack, and has unlimited ammo. Another ability he gains is called Block, which reduces incoming damage by 75%, at the cost of reducing his movement speed by 50%. Nemesis Form also grants him 225 armor instantly and a 20% movement speed buff. The ability lasts for eight seconds and can be canceled at any time. 

Nemesis Form is an opportunistic ability that allows Ramattra to move from medium- and long-range fire to a more brawl-based playstyle, especially with the help of the instant 225 armor buff. Pummel also goes through shields, making it one of the few abilities that can easily overwhelm shield tank heroes like Reinhardt and Sigma.

Annihilation (Ultimate)

Upon activating Annihilation, Ramattra enters Nemesis Form (regardless of if Nemesis Form is on cooldown). Annihilation is an improved version of Nemesis Form because it includes an area-based effect, with a 13 meter radius, which damages enemies for 30 damage per second. When this area-based effect is combined with direct hits from his Pummel ability, Ramattra has the ability to secure kills easily.

Annihilation lasts up to 20 seconds if enemies are inside of the area-based damage effect for the entire duration of the ult. If no enemies are affected, the ability lasts for just three seconds. 

Enemies will naturally run away from you when your ultimate is activated. Therefore, before popping your ult, you should be sure that you can quickly run between enemies. If they’re too spread out, you may secure one kill, but waste your ultimate when the same thing could have been accomplished simply by using Nemesis Form as a regular ability.

  • Emongg – Associated with the San Francisco Shock and can be seen playing every Monday through Saturday starting around 9 AM ET.
  • Eskay – She is top 500 in every role and member of Dart Monkeys. Often plays tournaments on stream. She is often live by 5 PM ET on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and the weekend.