Overwatch 2 Gaming Strategy: Combat or Comical Community Consensus?

Dive into the intriguing community dynamics of Overwatch 2 as we take a look at a unique thread in the game's online conversation.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ongoing dialogue surrounding Overwatch 2, one post, in particular, generated a stream of entertaining and somewhat bemusing comments. Authored by Everelast, the post puts forward a seemingly audacious statement about the optimal way to play the game which he intimates is duly embraced by the community. To understand the entire context, let’s dwell deeper.


  • Everelast makes a sarcastic remark about the community consensus, implying the silliness of gamers sometimes.
  • Players drop in their equally sarcastic and hilarious comments, underlining the casual and fun-loving nature of the gaming community.
  • The bot eventually drops in to remind everyone of the rules just incase the conversation turns uncouth despite the humor.

Community Humor

No_Secret_1875’s cheeky comment about picking a favorite mercy very early on and essentially ‘pocketing’ them – giving them more attention and protection during gameplay – prompted a good deal of amusement. This implies a light-hearted, laughing approach towards the game from an audience not always dead-set on competition.

Sarcastic Spitballs

browserinsidestory laughs at the perceived imbalance in the game, going as far as stating that Mercy’s continued existence points towards an enforced ‘mafia’. Other players, like MercyFreeUse, echo this by jesting back inviting players who started this thread to go to a Mercedes main subreddit instead.

Banter about Balance

Everelast’s post highlights not only the animated rapport within the gaming community but also touches on the whimsical logic that players often show when trying to assert the most optimal way of playing the game. One comment, from Greg1994b, supports this with a suggestion of a DPS character with a similar weapon to Mercy’s pistol, opening up a conversation about game balance.

On the whole, this thread shines a bright light on the inside humor, mutual mockery, and overall camaraderie in the world of Overwatch. Gamers might not always agree on the best strategies for playing Overwatch, but they can at least agree on having fun while discussing it.