Overwatch 2 Doomfist: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

One punch is all he needs! Doomfist is a tank hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Doomfist's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

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Jared Wentworth

Key Takeaways

  • Doomfist is best on enclosed maps, allowing him to get easy value from his Rocket Punch.
  • Doomfist struggles on more open maps, as the lack of cover makes it harder for him to create space and easier to kill.
  • Doomfist is countered by CC (crowd control) abilities, such as Sombra’s Hack, Ana’s Sleep Dart, and Roadhog’s Chain Hook.
  • Doomfist excels against heroes and team compositions which clump together, as he can easily displace and damage multiple enemies at once with his abilities.

Doomfist Quick Tips

  • Doomfist has 450 total health, with no armor or shields.
  • With his low HP pool and large tank hitbox, Doomfist is easy to die as if you are caught out of position with one or all of his abilities on cooldown.
  • Doomfist relies heavily on healing from his support teammates, to allow him to stay alive and re-engage quickly. Use the Z League app to find quality support players who will enable an aggressive and fast playstyle.

Doomfist Abilities

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Img via Blizzard Entertainment

Hand Cannon (Primary Fire)

Hand Cannon has four ammo, reloads automatically (0.4 seconds per shot), and is a powerful weapon up close. At medium and long range, the spread of Hand Cannon is too large to deal meaningful damage to enemies. Even up close, Hand Cannon is difficult to aim, but with the ability to quickly burn down enemies assuming each of the projectiles hits, especially if they headshot.

Seismic Slam

Seismic Slam launches Doomfist forward, and if Doomfist is looking up, it also launches him vertically. Upon impact with the ground, an 18 meter cone deploys. Enemies within the cone are dealt 50 damage. Doomfist gains 35 overhealth per enemy damaged with Seismic Slam. The cooldown for the ability is seven seconds.

Seismic Slam provides Doomfist with all of his vertical mobility. It may be used to engage or disengage depending on the situation. Players can cancel Seismic Slam in midair to remove the impact animation and move more quickly around the map, and/or confuse enemy players who were expecting him to land in a different spot.

Power Block

Without a shield, Power Block is Doomfist’s only way to soak up damage. Any damage he takes from the front while Power Block is active is reduced by 80%.

When Power Block is active, a meter is seen on the player’s screen. If 125 damage is taken by Doomfist while Power Block is active, the cooldown for Rocket Punch resets. Additionally, the next Rocket Punch is empowered, meaning Doomfist moves further (+50%) and more quickly (+50%) while punching, and deals more damage (+50%) to enemies. 

Rocket Punch

Without a shield like Reinhardt or Sigma, Rocket Punch is Doomfist’s primary way to take space for his team. The ability deals between 25 and 50 damage on impact, depending on how charged up it is, along with 10 to 30 damage if the enemy is knocked back into a wall. The ability needs one second to become fully charged, but a weak punch can be deployed in as quickly as .2 seconds. The more charge a punch has, the further the knockback on affected enemies.

If enemies are clumped together closely, Rocket Punch will deal damage and provide a knockback for all of them. This feature of the ability makes it a threat to team compositions which are clumped up, as a single Rocket Punch, especially if empowered, has the potential to displace multiple players and deal significant damage. Rocket Punches can be followed up with Seismic Slam in some situations to secure kills, but jumping into danger with Seismic Slam after Rocket Punch means all of his movement abilities will be on cooldown, allowing him to be killed easily by competent enemies.

Meteor Strike (Ultimate)

Upon activation, Doomfist flies into the air, off the screen, and cannot take damage. While in the air, Doomfist’s abilities recharge twice as fast, meaning Meteor Strike is a useful tool to escape sticky situations and reset his important survival and movement abilities.

Upon impact, Meteor Strike makes an impact with an inner and an outer ring. Enemies in the inner ring take 300 damage, and enemies in the outer ring take 15 to 100 damage. 300 damage instantly kills all damage (DPS) and support characters; however, due to the small radius of the inner ring and telegraphed, delayed cast animation, all heroes, even those without movement abilities, can easily survive it if they react quickly enough.

Meteor Strike may be used offensively or defensively with success. If used offensively, Doomfist should be sure that enemies are distracted or already low on health. If Doomfist lands in the middle of a prepared team, even with his abilities not on cooldown, he can still get killed quickly.

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