Overwatch 2 Ashe: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

We have an understanding! Ashe is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Ashe's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

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Jared Wentworth

Ashe Key Takeaways

  • Ashe is best on maps which feature medium- to long-range sightlines, such as Junker Town, which allow her to deal damage without being vulnerable to dive characters like Winston.
  • Ashe is worst on small maps where enemy players can quickly close the gap, reducing her effectiveness as a sniper and forcing her to rely on her less-effective short-range abilities.
  • Ashe counters heroes that rely on dealing poke damage from range, such as Sigma, and heroes that struggle to easily close the gap on larger maps, such as Mei and Reaper.
  • Ashe is countered by heroes that can avoid her sightlines until they’re up close, such as Sombra, Tracer, and Wrecking Ball. These heroes can easily overwhelm her in short-range combat.

Ashe Quick Tips

  • Ashe has 200 total health, with no shields or armor.
  • Ashe has the ability to build her ultimate very quickly with her Dynamite.
  • Whether or not Ashe is the ideal hitscan pick depends on the range of the sightlines. She’s outclassed by Cassidy on maps with shorter sightlines and Widowmaker/Hanzo on maps with longer sightlines.
  • Ashe works well with a Mercy pocket, allowing her to deal increased damage while Mercy stays safe in the backline. Use the Z League app to find skilled support players to queue with today.

Ashe Abilities Explained

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Img via Blizzard Entertainment

The Viper (Primary and Secondary Fire)

Ashe’s primary fire activates when she aims down sight. Her primary fire deals between 22.5 and 75 damage depending on how close the enemy player is. The ideal range for her primary fire is right before damage falloff begins (30 meters).

Ashe’s secondary fire activates whenever she isn’t aiming down sight. Her secondary fire is much faster, but deals less damage, especially if players are far away. Its ideal use is as a shotgun-like weapon.

Reloading The Viper takes 3.5 seconds due to the lengthy reload animation. Ashe reloads one bullet at a time, and players can cancel the reload animation and quickly begin firing again if they’re under pressure. Due to the long reload animation, skilled Ashe players look to keep their ammo topped up by recognizing key moments to reload even when a teamfight is ongoing.


Dynamite launches a stick of dynamite in front of Ashe, which blows up in two seconds or when it’s shot by Ashe. The ability deals between 20 to 50 damage on explosion, depending on how close the enemy player is to the center of the blast. Regardless of proximity to the blast, Dynamite deals 100 damage over the next five seconds. If Ashe is able to land a dynamite hit on an enemy damage (DPS) or support hero, she can usually finish them off with ease.

Coach Gun

Coach Gun knocks back enemies, deals a low amount of damage, and also pushes Ashe in the opposite direction she fires in. Coach Gun can be used to damage enemies in very niche situations, but its primary purpose is to help Ashe reposition on high ground and escape short-range enemies such as Winston.

B.O.B. (Ultimate)

B.O.B. appears and behaves just like a sixth player of the allied team. Upon activating, B.O.B. runs on the ground in a straight line until he hits a wall or enemy player. Once impact is made, he fires a gun which deals 14 damage per bullet. With 1000 total health, he’s hard to take down quickly, similar to a Winston that has activated Primal Rage.

B.O.B. can be used in a variety of situations to get value. Since he functions as a sixth allied player, he can be used to contest the objective. His initial charge can be used to damage and knock enemy players into the air. If placed well, he has the potential to deal significant damage to the enemy team and force them into undesirable positions. Despite his strengths, B.O.B. can easily be negated through smart enemy repositioning or crowd control (CC) abilities like Ana’s Sleep Dart.

  • Warn – Has hit rank 1 on the ladder for Ashe and continues to provide entertainment nearly every day from 6 pm – 2 am ET. 
  • mL7support – High-level support player who streams usually starts before 9 AM ET and often runs for 8-10 hours each day.