Overcoming Valorant’s Egos: Unpacking an Absorbing Duelist Debate

An exploration of a heated Valorant dilemma about proving skill through controller vs duelist gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant, a 5v5 character based tactical shooter, is teeming with spirited debates. One such discourse is the classic Controller vs Duelist debacle, a narrative that recently unfolded between a couple of players. The spark is a controller player struggling to prove his worth over a duelist friend’s bragging rights.


  • The controller player stakes claim to his superior influence on the game, despite fewer kills.
  • The duelist friend tends to steal the last kill, thus snagging the ‘ace’ repeatedly.
  • Reddit users have suggested various strategies ranging from outscoring in ranks to just ‘doing better’.

Spotlight on Duelist Drama

Steeped in the crux of the argument is a common Valorant predicament – the impact of kills and roles. As the controller player laments, he’s often overshadowed by his duelist friend, who boasts about his kill count. This issue highlights the age-old adage that kills don’t necessarily equate to skill. A comment from ‘zapatodeorina’ suggests that the solution lies in ‘climbing solo higher’ than his friend.

The Rank Wrangle

Progressing in rank was the most commonly suggested tactic to wrestle with this issue. ‘xTantrumx’ simply stated, ‘Just get a higher rank’, a pragmatic approach bypassing the need to directly engage with the friend’s overtures. ‘PerryTheH’ shared his personal experience, expressing how solo play boosted his rank, ending the argument with his friends once and for all.

Facing Off

Sometimes the best way to settle a dispute is a good old-fashioned showdown. This technique was echoed via comments suggesting to ‘1v1’ the duelist. For instance, ‘PMmeProgressPics’ stated, ‘1v1 him. I did this with my reyna main friend. He talked much less shit after that’, espousing the power of the direct duel to silence the braggadocio.

Whether it’s through escalating ranks, outshining in direct duels, or just reveling in the knowledge of personal improvement, dealing with egos in Valorant’s competitive landscape is an art in itself. This hilarious duel reiterates that games like Valorant extend beyond pixels and key-presses, entering realms of personal growth and social dynamics.