Overcoming Fear of Talking in VC in Valorant – Tips from Valorant Community

Discover how Valorant players offer support and advice to a shy Gold 3 player nervous about using voice chat in this heartwarming Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players come together to support a shy Gold 3 player who is hesitant to use voice chat for communication. The player expresses concerns about overcoming shyness and gaining confidence to communicate effectively in Valorant.


  • Encouraging supportive environment for shy players
  • Tips on gaining confidence and easing into using voice chat
  • Emphasis on self-growth and gradual progress in communication

Supportive Community Response

Valorant players offer valuable advice to the shy Gold 3 player, emphasizing the importance of starting with basic comms and gradually building up confidence to engage more in voice chat. The community acknowledges the player’s concerns while providing constructive suggestions to overcome communication barriers in-game.

Empathy and Understanding

Many comments express empathy towards the player’s situation, highlighting that everyone starts somewhere and offering encouragement to step out of their comfort zone. Players share personal stories of overcoming shyness and the positive impact of effective communication on gameplay and team dynamics.

Positive Reinforcement and Growth

The community emphasizes the inclusivity of the gaming environment, advocating for a supportive and respectful atmosphere where players can grow and improve together. Suggestions on dealing with toxic behavior and building self-confidence through gradual exposure to voice chat highlight the camaraderie within the Valorant community.