Optimizing Your Arsenal: Helldivers Community Discusses Exosuit Modifications

The Helldivers community debates tweaking the exosuit for more tactical gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is abuzz with discussions on potential modifications to the exosuit, particularly in streamlining its design for more strategic combat. The post in question delves into the idea of using only a part of the exosuit rather than the whole. Players are sharing their thoughts and suggestions on this intriguing proposition. Let’s dive into the conversation.


  • Players suggest enhancing the exosuit with specific weapon systems over a more comprehensive design.
  • Community members propose integrating new functionalities into the mech for varied tactical possibilities.
  • Many highlight the importance of balance and strategic trade-offs in implementing such modifications.

Community Insights

One player, Funbone57, humorously suggests, ‘Give it 750-1000 rounds with an overheat system, and we’re good to go!’ This highlights the desire for robust firepower within manageable constraints.

Another user, Comrade_Crunchy, envisions a versatile exosuit with interchangeable weapon systems, emphasizing the importance of adaptability in combat situations. Their detailed suggestions showcase a creative approach to enhancing gameplay.

Yurishenko94 presents a comprehensive plan for a modified exosuit, emphasizing the necessity of recycling existing mechanics to streamline development. Their proposal focuses on practicality and balance to ensure a meaningful addition to the game.

Player Sentiments

While some players like Mountain_Purchase_12 express sheer enthusiasm for utilizing powerful weaponry, emphasizing fun over functionality, others like ImpossibleAd6628 maintain a more cautious stance, emphasizing the need for balance in game design decisions.

SunshotDestiny encapsulates a balanced viewpoint, expressing a desire for both durable exosuits and formidable miniguns, reflecting a diverse range of player preferences within the community.

QueryCrook humorously references popular culture to express their appreciation for heavy weaponry, adding a touch of levity to the discussions surrounding exosuit modifications.

The Future of Exosuits

As the Helldivers community continues to brainstorm innovative tweaks to the exosuit, it’s evident that players value strategic depth and diverse gameplay experiences. The ongoing dialogue underscores the community’s passion for refining gameplay mechanics and fostering engaging combat scenarios.