Optimizing Starts in Manor Lords: Should You Be Picky?

Are you too picky with your starts in Manor Lords? Dive into the debate of whether being selective is a strategic advantage!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are divided on whether being picky about starting conditions is beneficial or hindering their gameplay. Some prefer to reroll for optimal resources, while others embrace the challenge of making do with what they get.


  • Embracing challenges vs. seeking optimal starts
  • Combining resources for diverse gameplay
  • Debates on the necessity of certain starting conditions
  • Strategic considerations for efficient progression

Embracing Challenges

Some players enjoy the challenge of accepting random starts and adapting their strategies accordingly. They see it as a test of their creativity and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Seeking Optimal Starts

Others believe that rerolling for ideal starting resources is crucial for setting themselves up for success. They argue that certain resources are essential for efficient progression and defense against threats.

Debates on Necessity

Discussions revolve around the importance of specific resources like fertile land, rich animals, and iron deposits. Players debate whether these resources are truly indispensable or if alternative strategies can mitigate their absence.

Strategic Considerations

Players share tips on resource management, trade-offs, and long-term planning in Manor Lords. Balancing immediate needs with future goals is a key aspect of navigating the game’s challenges.

Ultimately, the debate over starting conditions in Manor Lords reflects the diverse strategies and playstyles within the community. Whether you prioritize efficiency or embrace unpredictability, the game offers opportunities for both approaches to thrive.