Nova Gaming: Native Negotiations Task Guide – Gray Zone Warfare (Quest Guides)

Learn how to complete the Native Negotiations task in Gray Zone Warfare with Nova Gaming's guide.

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Griot the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare is a popular game that offers a variety of challenging quests, including the Native Negotiations task. In Nova Gaming’s latest video, he provides a comprehensive guide on how to complete this task successfully.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Pick up the briefcase from the command tent
  • Bring the briefcase to the car repair shop
  • Place the briefcase in the recycle bin near the white truck

Step 1: Obtaining the Briefcase

In order to start the Native Negotiations task, you’ll need to locate the command tent and retrieve the briefcase. The command tent is marked on the map, and once you reach it, interact with the tent to collect the briefcase.

Step 2: Heading to the Car Repair Shop

After obtaining the briefcase, your next objective is to bring it to the car repair shop. The shop is conveniently located near your current position, marked on the map. Follow the indicated path until you reach the car repair shop.

Step 3: Placing the Briefcase in the Recycle Bin

Once you arrive at the car repair shop, you’ll notice a white truck nearby. Approach the truck and find a recycle bin next to it. Carefully place the briefcase inside the recycle bin, indicating the completion of the Native Negotiations task.