Nightingale: The Thin Arms Dilemma in Sentinel Coat

Discover why players are critiquing the thin arms in the Sentinel Coat and how it affects gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Nightingale community are buzzing about the thin arms on the Sentinel Coat. Some users find them comically slim, leading to amusing discussions and theories.


  • It’s a debate of realism vs. idealized aesthetics.
  • Players share hilarious bicep curl recommendations.
  • Some users reference historical wallpaper and arm proportions.

The Twig Arm Saga

Some users are baffled by the unrealistically thin arms on the Sentinel Coat, with one player humorously mentioning how their character couldn’t withstand a stiff wind due to the slender limbs.

The Fashion Critique

Another user pointed out that certain female character arm options appear unsettlingly thin, paired with chest flattening, leading to disappointment despite satisfactory stats.

Realism vs. Idealization

A Reddit user delved into the debate between accurate body proportions and idealized in-game aesthetics, citing examples from various sports and media representations.

The Workout Recommendations

Players jumped in with hilarious suggestions, including bicep curls and wood chopping, to bulk up the character’s twig-like arms, adding a humorous twist to the discussion.