Nightingale Base Protection Strategies Revealed!

Discover how players in the Nightingale community defend their bases against unexpected attacks!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Nightingale realm, players face unexpected base attacks! How do they handle it? Read on to find out!


  • Players discuss protecting their bases against wildlife and unknown threats in Nightingale.
  • Strategies include using Estate Cairns, portals, and defensive structures.
  • Players share experiences of losing valuable resources due to base breaches.
  • Community collaboration leads to innovative defense solutions.

Exploring Estate Cairn Perimeters

One player, Phrits, suggests setting up Estate Cairns as a perimeter defense measure. Despite limitations on their placement, they offer valuable protection against wildlife threats.

Abeyance Realm Tactics

Bloodtinge-BunnySuit emphasizes the use of estate cairns and portals to reduce hostile creature encounters. Equipping followers with weapons prevents unintended destruction of base structures.

Relocating for Safety

EzCocor shares a story of relocating their estate cairn to a new spot to deter hostile creatures. This strategic move effectively stopped the attacks on their base.

Mysterious Base Attacks

Concerned about unexpected base breaches, CreatureofNight93 questions how certain players manage to avoid such encounters despite spending numerous hours in the game. The mystery of these incidents intrigues the community.