Nightblue3: The Unstoppable Tank Ezreal Top Build – 6500+ HP, 1v5 Damage, and Unkillable

Nightblue3 showcases a tank build on Ezreal top lane that makes him nearly unkillable while dealing massive damage.

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Griot the NPC

Nightblue3 explores a unique tank build on Ezreal in the top lane, utilizing a combination of items and runes to maximize survivability and damage output. The build incorporates Heartsteel, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Ravenous Hydra, along with the Grasp of the Undying rune. Nightblue3 demonstrates the effectiveness of this build by dominating the top lane and showcasing its potential in team fights. With over 6500 HP, incredible sustain, and the ability to 1v5, Ezreal becomes an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Nightblue3 showcases a tank build on Ezreal top lane
  • The build incorporates items like Heartsteel, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Ravenous Hydra
  • Grasp of the Undying rune is essential for maximizing damage and survivability
  • Ezreal becomes nearly unkillable while dealing massive damage in team fights

The Unstoppable Tank Ezreal

Nightblue3 starts the video by explaining the build he will be showcasing: a tank build for Ezreal in the top lane. He discusses the YouTube comment he received requesting this build and decides to give it a try. The build includes items like Heartsteel, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Ravenous Hydra, which synergize with Ezreal’s Q ability and provide him with a significant amount of sustain and damage. Nightblue3 also mentions that Ezreal’s Q applies Grasp of the Undying, making it even more powerful. He expresses his excitement about this build and the potential it holds.

The Power of Grasp of the Undying

Nightblue3 highlights the strength of the Grasp of the Undying rune, not only in this tank build but also in other situations. He mentions that the rune is becoming one of his favorites, even in the jungle. He encourages players to abuse it while they can before it potentially gets nerfed. Nightblue3 emphasizes the importance of proccing Grasp of the Undying as much as possible to maximize its effectiveness in fights. He demonstrates this by constantly trading with his opponent in the top lane and applying multiple procs of Grasp of the Undying.

Dominating the Top Lane

Nightblue3 showcases the power of the tank Ezreal build by dominating the top lane. He trades with his opponent frequently and demonstrates the sustain and damage output provided by the build. He successfully secures kills and shows how tanky Ezreal becomes, even against traditionally strong top laners. Nightblue3 also mentions that he has been playing more top and mid lane games lately and has been enjoying the experience. He believes that playing different roles is helping him improve overall as a player.

Challenges and Successes

Nightblue3 encounters challenges throughout the game, such as being outnumbered and facing strong opponents. However, he adapts to these situations and showcases his skill in outplaying his opponents. He also mentions that he has been try-harding in ranked games to climb the ladder, which has helped him improve his mechanics and game sense. Despite a few deaths, Nightblue3 maintains a positive attitude and focuses on the successes of his gameplay.

The Unstoppable Tank Ezreal in Team Fights

Nightblue3 demonstrates the power of the tank Ezreal build in team fights. With over 6500 HP and the ability to deal significant damage, he becomes an unstoppable force on the battlefield. He engages in fights, soaking up damage and providing valuable crowd control. Nightblue3 showcases his ability to survive in intense team fights and contribute to his team’s success. He emphasizes the importance of playing strategically and making smart decisions in team fights to maximize the effectiveness of the tank Ezreal build.