New Player Takes on Overwatch: Baptiste Tips and Community Advice

Gleaning expert advice from the Overwatch community for new player 'thiccman369' exploring the game with Baptiste.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the bustling world of Overwatch, fresh player ‘thiccman369’ seeks expert guidance on mastering the support role, with a focus on the character, Baptiste.


  • Baptiste, a well-rounded support, serves almost every team right. Notable for his AoE healing and mobility.
  • Mastering game communication, map awareness, and team positioning comes across as golden tips.
  • Support role demands high survivability awareness, prioritizing healing needs, and usage of ultimate abilities wisely.

Character Specific Guidance

Among the voices chiming in with advice, ‘Bekklor’ highlights Baptiste’s strength as a “fantastic support”, attributing it to his AoE heals, immortality field, and mobility. Learning the map and the high ground spots come in handy, as per ‘Bekklor’. Better positioning allows better chances at using Baptiste’s ult to combo with DPS teammates or providing vital heals when needed. Check out the entire comment here.

Navigating Communication and Teamwork

‘flappers87’ suggests turning off in-game communication for a stress-free experience, a rather radical approach. On a similar note, ‘frogginloggin’ finds the text chat often toxic and recommends the use of /hidechat to make the game a pleasant experience. See the advice here.

Role emphasis

‘ammos8’ emphasizes the importance of the support role, coined as the ‘backbone’ of the team’s success. Clever positioning that allows keeping a watchful eye on the entire team is recommended, along with an understanding of when and on whom to use ultimate abilities. Implied is the importance of being versatile when choosing characters to avoid being easily counterable. Check out the detailed advice here.

The word of wisdom from the community undoubtedly serves as a guiding light to ‘thiccman369’ in their quest to excel at Overwatch. From mastering a character to adequately fulfilling the demanding role of a support, the journey is budding with exciting challenges. And if one thing remains certain, it is to thoroughly enjoy the ride that is Overwatch.