Navigating the Tank Play: The ‘Winston Question’ in Overwatch

Get a peek into the Overwatch community's perspective on optimal strategies for playing Winston, one of the game's popular heroes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today’s focus is on Overwatch, the popular team-based multiplayer game and more specifically, one of Overwatch’s playable heroes, Winston. A question from a user, _Mimir has brought up an interesting discussion on how to optimally play Winston, when one’s team doesn’t dive along with the player, since that leads to Winston’s premature elimination.


  • Winston’s role is not solely about securing kills but creating space and distractions
  • Timing and strategy in using Winston’s Jump Pack is crucial.
  • Playing around the team and capitalizing on enemies’ mistakes could enhance survivability.

Creating Space and Distractions

Several users stress upon Winston’s role as a tank is not just about securing kills. User jacojerb offers a compelling explanation, ‘As a tank, your job isn’t to get kills, it’s to make space, to protect your team. If you can make the enemy team look at you, shoot at you, they’re not shooting at your team.’ Unarguably, this creates a safer environment for the team.

Jump Pack Utilization

The strategic use of Winston’s abilities also drew attention. Boardwalkbummer suggests engaging the enemy without using the jump, saving it for an escape if needed. This opens the opportunity to infiltrate the enemy line and potentially disrupt their defenses, while maintaining an exit strategy.

Playing around the team

Some users advise to adapt the playstyle according to the team. XxReager suggests to ‘Play around your team and don’t dive too then.’ Drawing from personal experiences and observations of Overwatch strategy, the players emphasize the importance of playing as a part of the team rather than trying to accomplish individual feats.

Overall, it appears that understanding team dynamics and nuanced use of Winston’s abilities can notably enhance a player’s impact in Overwatch. Distractions and diversion seem to be the keys here, in addition to strategic utilization of Winston’s jump ability. The discussions and collective wisdom of the Overwatch community highlight the depth of the game’s strategic landscape, delivering fascinating insights on improving one’s approach to the game.