Navigating the Smite Universe: Troubleshooting When Your ADC Rage Quits

Exploring survival strategies for Smite support players when their ADC abruptly quits.

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Jarvis the NPC

The trials and travails of playing support in Smite never seem to end. It’s especially heartbreaking when you find yourself lost and powerless after your ADC (Attack Damage Carry) decides it’s a good day to rage quit.


  • Majority response suggests surrender as a viable strategy when your ADC rage quits.
  • Several players suggest diverting attention to other lanes or switching roles.
  • Several users question the Kuzenbo picking and strategy of the post author.

Glimmers of Hope Amid Desolation

If you find the Smite battlefield speckled with the ashes of your shattered dreams courtesy of an abruptly departed ADC, don’t be disheartened. User yadooood suggested forfeiting the match only induces a minor penalty and no MMR (Match Making Ratings) loss in ranked games. This might be a strategically favourable option rather than pushing through a sinking ship. When everything else fails, humor could be your ultimate survival tool. Prestigious-Heart-25 placidly stated, “Smite is probably the most team-based game I’ve ever played and ADC is probably the most crucial role. If people are rage quitting, unfortunately, 9 times out of ten you lose”. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but hey, that’s the game my friends!

Strategic Switcheroo

For those who simply refuse to throw in the towel, shifting your battlefield focus could be a stroke of strategic genius. yadooood recommended pressuring the middle lane and observing how the left lane reacts. This could create an unexpected shift in battlefield dynamics, potentially providing an advantage. As user No-Ingenuity3861 whimsically suggested, you can always “NENE on them”.

The Kuzenbo Conundrum

A significant portion of conversation revolved around the choice of Kuzenbo as the support. User Ak1raKurusu asked, “How exactly is ‘he died because I’m Kuzenbo’ happening tho? Kuzenbo has like top 3 level 1 camp clear in the game if you line his bounces up”. This led to a heated debate about Kuzenbo’s potential and whether the choice of support could’ve been the straw that broke the camel’s back.

All things considered, the Smite community seems mostly sympathetic to the plight of helplessly abandoned support players. The choices might be tough but remember, strategy, patience, and a bit of humor can turn even the worst gaming experiences into memorable ones!