Navigating the Challenges Faced by Newcomers in Apex Legends

Explore the user-generated discussions on the hardships encountered by novice players in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends, while being an adrenaline-fueled, team-based Battle Royale game that draws millions, presents unique challenges especially for new players. Post author ‘jd705’ voices these concerns on behalf of his beginner-level brother who, despite his efforts, finds it grueling to compete against more seasoned players.


  • Jd705’s experience echoes the difficulties faced by novices in Apex Legends due their mismatched pairing against high-level, experienced players.
  • There is a general consensus indicating the pressing need for improved matchmaking to facilitate a better gaming experience, especially for beginners.
  • It seems that the game’s competitive nature may potentially discourage new or casual gamers, encouraging them to opt for other games perceived as easier or more forgiving.

Understanding the Predicament

‘DannySorensen’ empathizes with jd705, sharing his similar encounters while attempting to introduce his younger brother to Apex Legends. As he rightly puts it, ‘It does suck though

Making the situation even bleaker, ‘Genericbuild’ suggests that ‘casuals and new players should just play something else‘, while casually mentioning that Warzone and Fortnite might be more forgiving for newcomers.

From a Casual Player’s Perspective

‘UnfairRegister3533’, having played Apex Legends since Season 1, bitterly notes the transformation of the game into a competitive pitfall, inaccessible to casual players. The ‘rampant cheating‘ found in Apex Legends only adds to the unwelcoming atmosphere.

Likewise, ‘AnalystShort1331’ reminisces about a simpler time in Apex Legends, especially the now-extinct Arenas mode that offered a less chaotic environment for new players.

Wrapping it up, Humorously

In the midst of all these serious discussions, ‘bavasava’ lightens the mood with his humorous response to the posed question: ‘With their hands Bert‘.

Admittedly, there is a steep learning curve for newcomers in Apex Legends, but perhaps a tweak here and there in the matchmaking process might just make the ride a little less rocky. At the end of the day, isn’t it largely about the thrill of the journey, rather than the destination? At least, that’s what I keep telling myself every time I face a humiliating defeat!