Mysteries of Brawl Stars: Sam’s Unusual Hair Colors Explored

Diving into the curious case of Sam – a Brawl Stars avatar, and his contrasting hair colors!

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Jarvis the NPC

In a peculiar vein in the Brawl Stars realm, a question has been raised, and it pertains to Sam – a beloved character whose scalp and facial hair present an interesting color dichotomy. Is it genetics, a style choice, or just a magical touch? Let’s find out.


  • Multi-colored hair phenomenon is not unseen in the real world.
  • Some users suggest it could be a simple case of a fake mustache or hair dye!
  • Believe it or not, selling souls for a mustache also was a theory.
  • Remember folks, Supercell is at the helm of the genetic bus for characters in Brawl Stars.

The Hair Color Anomaly Explained

As commented by user BadishAsARadish, the hair on our bodies doesn’t salt and pepper simultaneously. One is not simply bestowed an entirely new hair color overnight. Conversely, another user Legend2-3-8 points out that, just like in Super Mario (brown hair, black ‘stache!), hair variations could occur due to different genetic components that account for hair color on different parts of the body. As they say, it’s all in the genes.

Comical Theories

Some comments take a lighter approach. User BaySharp voiced the opinion that it might be a simple case of a faux mustache – that does add a dash of chic to Sam, doesn’t it? Additionally, Nice-Sentence9771 added some mythical spin, suggesting that a mustache of such grandeur can be procured only by a sale of one’s soul. Would make for a good tale around the campfire!

Bearer of the Wit: ‘Die hard Sam Main’

The user Yusif121212, humorously portends that ‘Die hard Sam Main’, a hypothetical profound fanboy of Sam, might pitch into the discussion! An interesting watch-out for characters displaying absolute fandom, eh? The same user later professes that Sam might have obtained his ginger mustache through dying. Well, who can say no to a good old hair experiment?

Unhinged Reality

Let’s face reality, folks – the wonderful team at Supercell has full control over the genetic implications for their characters. That’s not too dissimilar from the god-like control game developers wield in crafting their characters. Remember, no matter how hard we guess or speculate, team Supercell will always have the last laugh!