Moxsy: Top 10 Must Catch Pals! And Where To Find Them (Early-Mid Game) // Palworld

In this video, Moxsy shares his top 10 must-have pals in Palworld and provides tips on where to find them. Check it out!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Moxsy’s latest video on Palworld, he shares his top 10 must-have pals for the early to mid-game. These pals are essential companions that he believes every player should have in their party or base. He provides details on each pal’s abilities, stats, and where to find them. If you’re looking to optimize your gameplay in Palworld, this video is a must-watch!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Moxsy recommends capturing a dragon type pal called Quiv, which has high attack stats and great move sets.
  • Nightwing is the first pal you can capture and use as a flying mount, making it essential for exploring the game world.
  • Rhound is a movement pal that can double jump while mounted, allowing players to easily traverse obstacles and scale mountains.
  • War SEC is a powerful fighter pal with high attack and defense stats, and its passive ability boosts defense and applies fire damage to attacks when fighting together.

Quiv: The Powerful Dragon Pal

Moxsy highly recommends capturing Quiv, a dragon type pal with impressive stats and move sets. Quiv has higher attack than Nightwing, even at a lower level. Its passive ability is unlocked later, but it can be used as a flying mount. Moxsy provides specific coordinates (-255, -130) for finding Quiv at level 23.

Nightwing: The Essential Flying Mount

Nightwing is the first pal that players can capture and use as a flying mount. It spawns in the starting area and can be found around level 11. Moxsy suggests finding a Nightwing with the passive skill Swift, which increases its movement speed by 30%. This will greatly enhance your ability to explore the game world.

Rhound: The Agile Movement Pal

Rhound is a movement pal that excels at traversing obstacles and scaling mountains. Its passive ability allows it to double jump while mounted, making it incredibly agile. Moxsy captured a Rhound with the Swift passive, further boosting its movement speed. The coordinates for finding Rhound are at the bottom of the map (-542, -335).

War SEC: The Mighty Fighter Pal

War SEC is one of the best fighter pals in the game, boasting high attack and defense stats. Its passive ability boosts defense and applies fire damage to attacks when fighting together. Moxsy captured a War SEC with the Hard Skin passive for even more defense. Players can find War SEC in a dungeon located at coordinates (158, -222).

Catc: The Essential Resource Gatherer

Catc is a must-have pal for gathering resources, as it increases drop rates for items when fighting together. It naturally learns dark and fire type moves, making it a strong attacker. Catc also comes with the handywork ability, which is useful for crafting items around your base. Moxsy recommends finding a Catc with the Artis passive for increased work speed. Catc can be found at coordinates (241, -332).

Must-Have Base Pals

  • Wixen: A fire pal with two kindling and three handiwork abilities, perfect for fire-related tasks in your base. Found in a lava crack area at coordinates (360, 10).
  • Penning: A water and ice type pal with two watering, two handiwork, two mining, two cooling, and two transporting abilities. Great for various tasks around your base. Found at coordinates (118, 354).
  • Dig Toys: The ideal mining pal with the partner skill to efficiently mine ores. Found on a beach at coordinates (-167, 73).
  • Masanda: A pal with two planting, two handiwork, two lumbering, and three transporting abilities. Perfect for gathering wood and performing base tasks. Found in a forest area at coordinates (137, 1119).

These must-have pals will greatly enhance your gameplay experience in Palworld. Whether you’re looking for powerful attackers, efficient resource gatherers, or versatile base workers, Moxsy’s recommendations are sure to help you optimize your gameplay. Don’t forget to check out the video for more details on each pal’s abilities and where to find them!