Moga: Unlocking the Full Power of Arlecchino in Genshin Impact

Join Moga as he explores the potential of Arlecchino in Genshin Impact and showcases its incredible damage output.

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Griot the NPC

Join Moga as he explores the potential of Arlecchino in Genshin Impact and showcases its incredible damage output. In this video, Moga takes us through the different constellation levels of Arlecchino and demonstrates the impact they have on her abilities and multipliers. From leveling her up to refining her weapon, Moga meticulously optimizes Arlecchino’s build to maximize her damage potential. He also discusses the importance of her signature set and the impact it has on her overall performance.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Arlecchino’s constellation levels significantly impact her damage output and abilities.
  • Refining Arlecchino’s weapon and leveling her up are crucial for maximizing her potential.
  • The right artifact set, such as Arlecchino’s signature set, can greatly enhance her performance.

Arlecchino’s Constellation Levels:

Moga dives into the different constellation levels of Arlecchino and their effects on her abilities. He explores how her multipliers and damage bonuses increase with each level, showcasing the exponential growth in her damage potential.

Optimizing Arlecchino’s Build:

Moga meticulously optimizes Arlecchino’s build, focusing on leveling her up, refining her weapon, and selecting the right artifacts. He discusses the importance of her signature set and showcases some of the powerful pieces he has acquired. Moga also explores the impact of different stats, such as attack, elemental mastery, and crit rate, on Arlecchino’s damage output.

Testing Arlecchino’s Damage:

Moga puts Arlecchino’s damage potential to the test by taking her into various encounters. He showcases her ability to deal massive damage, especially when paired with the right team composition and elemental reactions. From normal attacks to her powerful burst, Moga demonstrates the devastating damage Arlecchino can unleash on her enemies.