Mixtape vs Pubs: What’s the Apex Legends Community Raving About?

Discover the heated debate between Apex Legends players on whether Mixtape or Pubs is the ultimate gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have taken to the subreddit to voice their opinions on the ongoing debate between Mixtape and Pubs. The community is divided on which mode offers the best gaming experience.


  • Players are split between enjoying the intensity of Mixtape and the familiarity of Pubs.
  • Mixtape’s high ground fights and meta advantages have sparked frustration among some players.
  • While some appreciate the relaxed nature of Pubs for casual gaming sessions, others find it lacking in excitement.

Mixtape Madness

Some players have embraced Mixtape for its intense battles and as a way to warm up before jumping into other modes. The competitiveness and variety keep them engaged for hours on end.

Pub Problems

On the other hand, some players are not enjoying the current state of Pubs, citing strange player behavior and a lack of interest in the traditional battle royale format. The frustration with matchmaking issues has also contributed to their dissatisfaction.

Meta Mayhem

The discussion around unfair advantages in Mixtape due to the map design has raised concerns among players, with many feeling that certain legends have an upper hand, leading to repetitive gameplay.