Mechabellum Vulcan Guide

Welcome to our Mechabellum Vulcan Guide. The Vulcan, as its namesake implies, has quite a fiery demeanor behind it.

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Ursine Warrior

Mechabellum Vulcan Guide

Key Takeaways for Mechabellum Vulcan Guide

  • Vulcans are the best unit in the game for taking out Mobs
  • Your Vulcans cannot attack flying units, this is one of their main weaknesses, get the appropriate supporting units to amend that weakness
  • Melting Point is your biggest threat. Send a unit of Crawlers in front of your Vulcans to distract them until you get closer. 

The Vulcan. An indomitable force of nature. Spewing forth ash and brimstone, purifying everything in its wake, and beginning the cycle of rebirth anew. Yet, in those brief few moments of activity, it is nothing short of apocalyptically sublime. 

Well, a similar thing can be said about Mechabellum’s Vulcan as well. It lumbers its way throughout the battlefield, consuming everything in its path with its mighty flames, leaving nothing in its wake. 

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The Vulcan and its Upgrades

Mechabellum Vulcan Guide

Vulcans are notoriously slow units. And unlike their Fortress counterparts, they’re limited to only being able to attack ground units. However, once they do come into contact with the enemy, they almost instantaneously delete it from existence.

Ignite is the first tech upgrade available for the Vulcan. This upgrade gives your attacks a Damage Over Time effect by igniting any enemies hit. Why this isn’t included by default is beyond me. 

Range Enhancement does as the name implies. It increases your unit’s maximum attack range.

Incendiary Bomb gives your Vulcans the ability to launch a barrage of Incendiary Bombs every 16 seconds. Not only do these bombs deal damage upon contact, but they also leave a fire that lingers on and deals damage over time. 

Scorching Flames increases the attack damage of all of your Vulcans by 125%. 

Best Partner gives your Vulcans the ability to summon 1 Marksman at the beginning of each round to fight by their side. 

Sticky Oil Bomb works similarly to the aforementioned Incendiary Bomb upgrade. Just, instead of lighting the ground on fire, they leave a sticky oil that slows down enemy movement.

Armor Enhancement increases your Vulcan’s maximum Health Points and gives them a shield that can absorb 60 points of damage. This shield is increased by an additional 60 points with each level-up. 

The Strengths of Vulcan and How You Should Use Them

The Strengths of the Vulcan

You and me might eat cereal for breakfast but Vulcans like to eat mobs instead. Mobs are your Vulcans’ favorite meal. None of the Mob Units (except for Wasps) have a valid response to your Vulcans. If you want to curb Mob spam – get a Vulcan.

However, unlike Fortresses, Vulcans don’t get any anti-air upgrades. So, if you plan on using Vulcans, it’s a smart idea to also grab a few units of Mustangs to counter any air threats.

Alternatively, you can also grab the Best Partner upgrade, which spawns a unit of Marksmen at the start of the round. While they won’t help you much against Wasps, they’re pretty decent at taking out enemy Pheonixes and Overlords. 

The Weaknesses of Vulcans and What You Should Avoid

The Weaknesses of the Vulcan

Vulcans might eat up Mobs and melee units for breakfast, but they don’t stand a chance against units like Melting Point. Melting Point is your biggest enemy. Its sole purpose in life is to ruin your day, and if you let it, it will definitely ruin your day.

Thankfully, Melting Points have a pretty cost-effective counter – Crawlers. Put a unit of Crawlers in front of your Fortress, and any Melting Point will be too distracted taking them out to notice you encroaching. 

The other two counters you have are Marksmen and Overlords. But, as we mentioned previously, by getting your Best Partner upgrade, you’ll have a solution to both problems. Not the ideal solution, mind you, but better than having no solution at all.