Maxed Out and Capped: Helldivers’ Personal Order Reward System Debate

Join the fray as Helldivers' players debate the idea of a personal order reward system. What do you think?

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are diving deep into the discussion on a proposed Personal Order Reward System. Reddit user Paellamen shared an idea to incentivize gameplay even after hitting the medal cap by introducing varied rewards. Let’s see how the community feels about this gameplay tweak!


  • Paellamen’s proposal to introduce rewards beyond the medal cap sparks a lively debate among players.
  • Some players express concerns that the suggested system could lead to a dilution of the game’s core challenges.
  • Others suggest community-driven solutions to address the issue of capped resources.

Paellamen’s Idea

Paellamen’s idea of introducing additional rewards for completing Personal Orders beyond the medal cap has divided the community. While some applaud the potential for extended gameplay incentives, others worry about the impact on gameplay dynamics and challenge.

Community Feedback

Vampireluigi27-Main proposes a community-wide donation system to address capped resources, offering temporary buffs as milestone rewards. This collaborative approach resonates with players seeking a collective solution to resource constraints.

Ensuring Challenge

Mrfixitx voices concerns about maintaining the game’s challenge, emphasizing the satisfaction derived from overcoming difficult scenarios. The potential shift towards easier difficulties for rewards sparks discussions on game balance and player motivation.

From vocal advocates to cautious critics, the Helldivers community showcases a spectrum of opinions on Paellamen’s innovative proposal. As players navigate the complexities of resource management and gameplay engagement, the debate continues to unfold.