Mastering Ward Pool Management in Last Epoch

Discover how to keep your ward pool high and survive in Last Epoch with these expert tips from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are on a quest to elevate their ward pool to prevent getting one-shot by formidable foes. Here’s a snapshot of their strategies!


  • Effectively boosting ward involves a delicate balance of stats like ward retention and intelligence.
  • Items that offer ward per health lost are essential for survivability.
  • Strategies range from HP and Ward Retention stacking to exploring specific gear setups like the Low Life with Exsang.

Expert Tips for Ward Management

In the pursuit of unshakable survivability, Last Epoch players have uncovered various strategies to maintain a resilient ward pool. Marcvz1 suggests focusing on items with ward per health lost, emphasizing the significance of stats like ward retention and intelligence. Narthy advises a multi-faceted approach that balances HP, ward retention, and INT, or opts for specific gear setups to ensure a steady stream of ward.

Finding the Right Balance

For players like defartying, the key lies in acquiring items and passives that enhance both ward amount and ward retention. Choosing specific skills and gear that complement your playstyle can significantly impact your ward management efficiency. CommonSentence8802 takes an unconventional approach with a healing hands Paladin build, relying on percentage ward of missing health on gloves to soak up damage effectively and turn the tables on defensive norms.

The Significance of Ward Per Second

BaronOfTheVoid underscores the importance of the ward per second (WPS) stat in achieving substantial ward amounts. While high WPS is crucial, finding the right balance with other stats like ward retention is vital, as excessive WPS can necessitate other defensive investments. iorik9999 hints at adjustments in corruption levels as a potential strategy for fine-tuning ward builds in the upcoming patch, suggesting players adapt their approach as the game evolves.

Mastering ward pool management in Last Epoch demands a nuanced understanding of various stats, gear setups, and playstyles. By leveraging the community’s collective wisdom and exploring diverse strategies, players can fortify their defenses and overcome the challenges that await them in the realm of Eterra.