Mastering Valorant: Tips and Tricks for New Players

Struggling with Valorant? Learn how to improve your gameplay and strategy with these expert tips from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Having trouble mastering Valorant? Let’s dive into tips and advice from the community to help you up your game!


  • Gain muscle memory and experience through observation and practice.
  • Focus on movement and aim coordination while in-game.
  • Utilize resources like YouTube tutorials and training dummies to improve.
  • Find a character you enjoy playing and practice to master them.

Improving Your Aim

One user advises, ‘Honestly just get better aim. You don’t need to have good aim, just not non-existent aim.’ He emphasizes the importance of crosshair placement and recommends practicing in the range.

The Power of Movement

Another user highlights the significance of movement in Valorant, stating, ‘The ones that stand out are ones that use util and have phenomenal movement.’ Mastering movement can give you an edge in gunfights and overall gameplay.

Learning from Mistakes

A player shares a valuable tip on self-improvement, suggesting, ‘After every time I died, I’d think – what did I do wrong? Out of all of my deaths I would decide and count why I die the most often and then next game only focus on that.’ This reflective approach can lead to noticeable progress in your performance.

Strategic Simplification

YukhoChan offers a comprehensive guide on simplifying your approach to the game, advising players to play loose, focus on aiming with intentions, and gradually incorporate more advanced techniques once comfortable. By breaking down the gameplay into manageable steps, you can enhance your skills effectively.

Valorant presents a challenging learning curve for many newcomers, but with dedication and the right strategies, you can overcome obstacles and elevate your gameplay. Remember, practice makes perfect, and each defeat is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace the journey of improvement and enjoy the thrill of mastering Valorant!