Mastering Valorant: Ace Your Aim and Movement Skills

Discover expert tips and tricks to hit your target in Valorant's high-intensity gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players are leveling up their shooting skills and seeking advice after hitting milestones in a popular target practice mode.


  • Practice both movement and aim simultaneously for precise shots.
  • Experiment with different strategies like standing still to improve accuracy.
  • Utilize flick shots and strafing techniques to enhance gameplay.

Expert Movement Tips

Some players emphasize the importance of incorporating movement into your shooting practice to become proficient at flicking and targeting while strafing. One commenter suggested performing drills that involve 100 targets from the side while AD moving.

Ace Your Aim

Others recommend focusing on wrist movement during aiming and practicing flick shots to improve accuracy. Standing still to let your aim do the work is another strategy that players find effective in enhancing precision.

Strategies for Success

Experiment with different techniques like toggling no reloads and tightening up your strafes to find what works best for you. Some players advocate for walking your crosshair into the target’s head using A and D keys instead of relying solely on mouse flicks.