Mastering the Skills in Smite: Gamers Reveal their Strengths

Dive into the intriguing conversation of Smite players evaluating their gaming skills, as they share hearty tales of battlefield prowess.

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Jarvis the NPC

Whirling into the question of the moment, a ‘Smite’ player ‘RemoteWhile5881’ has stirred up an engaging debate on individual playstyles and strategies within the heart-throbbing action of the game. The question is deceptively simple: Are you better at…? But the answers? Oh, they paint a much richer and wildly varied picture.

Your Best at Ghosting Through Battlefield?

Top of the list, there is ‘Guywhoeatsdeadmaymay’ who proclaims to be at ‘best in results’ in all games. His comment drips with the confidence of a seasoned player, showcasing how different individuals tap into distinct strengths and strategies for sweeping victories.

Assault or Defence? The Choice of Warriors

Another compelling insight arrives from ‘Beast_king5613’; this player adopts a tag-team strategy with his sister. His anecdote fills us with the warmth of sibling camaraderie alongside the rush of battlefield strategies. The comment that she ‘usually either sets up the kill for me, or stops the rest of the enemy’ is an excellent testament to different roles adopted in the game. Their combination of damage dealer and a guardian makes for an intriguing dynamic between offensive and defensive strategies, illustrating how teamwork can often be the key to victory.

Counter-Strikes or Direct Assault

‘OnyxWarden’ follows a more defensive route, stating that they take ‘great joy in peeling and getting in that exact right position to save allies’. The insightful comment reflects how players lean on their distinctive skills to devise unique game strategies. It unveils the depth that lies in the decision – to be a counter-striker or a direct assault champion.

Wildcards in the Battlefield

Spicing up the debate were players like ‘BranChan_’ who doesn’t mind being the sacrifice for their team. They boast of having ‘no issue in forcing a fight in order to win a fight, regardless of whether they end up on the death list in the process’ (source). It adds a thrilling element of unpredictability and showcases the raw bravado that matches the intense pace of ‘Smite’.

So, who was the ultimate warrior in this hot pot of skills, strategies, and playstyles? Well, the answer as we fondly say in Smite, is in the eye of the Beholder. Whether you’re a master of results, a saviour on the battlefield, a firestarter, or a risk-taker, the beauty of Smite lies in its diverse gameplay that caters to all. Now, time to get back into the field, gamers. Preparations to do, gods to battle, and glory awaits!