Mastering the Power of Zeus in Hades: How to Use His Boons Effectively

Discover the right way to utilize Zeus' boons in Hades and build strong strategies for victory.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the underworld of Hades, the power of Zeus can be both a blessing and a challenge to wield effectively. Reddit users discuss the optimal ways to harness his boons and build formidable builds.


  • Zeus boons may not be as straightforward as other gods, requiring specific tactics for maximum effectiveness.
  • Players debate the usefulness of Blitz and its viability compared to other strong boons like Poseidon’s.
  • Various build recommendations range from mana-less damage spam to strategic weapon pairings to amplify Zeus’ power.

Exploring Different Strategies

Zeus’ boons have been a topic of discussion among Hades players, with some feeling that the thunder god’s offerings fall short compared to other Olympian powers. One user reflects on the seeming complexity of utilizing Zeus effectively:

“Zeus always feels weird to use. By the time I deal enough damage for his lightning to strike, I would’ve dealt more flat damage using Poseidon’s or Aphrodite’s boons.”

Considering the balancing act required to make the most of Zeus’ boons, another player notes the potential of specific build combinations:

“His omega cast is one of the best in the game, coupled with the one that let’s you cast from distance then it’s easy win vs chronos.”

While some players find Blitz lacking in terms of damage and usability, others offer alternative perspectives on how to incorporate it effectively into gameplay:

“Blitz works best either with weapons that naturally combo between attack and special, or to complement a cast build.”

Diverse Perspectives

Players share varied experiences and strategies when it comes to utilizing Zeus’ boons. From focusing on mana-less damage spam builds to pairing Blitz with specific weapon aspects, the community explores creative ways to make the most of Zeus’ thunderous powers. Whether opting for a lightning-heavy attack style or seeking to enhance cast capabilities with Zeus’ support boons, Hades players continue to experiment with different approaches to harnessing the god of thunder’s gifts.