Mastering the Market: Manor Lords Surplus Dilemma Explained

In Manor Lords, managing a surplus of food can be tricky. Find out how players are tackling this challenge in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling with a surplus of food in Manor Lords and wondering how to balance the market dynamics? Let’s see what the players have to say about this common conundrum.


  • Understanding the mechanics of market stalls
  • Importance of managing granary workers efficiently
  • Adding more inhabitants for stall operation

Markets Are Tricky

Players pointed out the current bugs affecting market stalls in Manor Lords, leading to confusion among users trying to balance food surplus.

Granary Worker Efficiency

One user suggested that checking market stall workers and ensuring only warehouse and granary workers man them can improve the situation.

Manage Peasant Population

Another player advised adding more peasants to open up additional stalls, while considering the distance they must travel to access the food.

Mastering the market dynamics in Manor Lords is crucial for optimal gameplay. Balancing surplus food and market management requires strategic thinking and efficient allocation of resources. By heeding advice from seasoned players, novices can navigate the complexities of the game with ease. Whether it’s tweaking granary worker numbers or adjusting peasant populations, every decision counts in the pursuit of virtual prosperity.