Mastering the Harold Encounter in Deep Rock Galactic: A Guide to Foam Washing

Uncover the essential tips for dealing with Harold, the pesky miner in Deep Rock Galactic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are diving deep into strategies for handling Harold, the notorious miner in the game. One Reddit post sheds light on a crucial tactic – foam washing. Let’s see what players have to say about mastering this technique.


  • Utilize the Lithofoamer to target both Harold’s weak points and the rockpox he spreads.
  • Clearing ground boils is essential for effective vacuum cleaning and team coordination.
  • Consider removing area denial to prevent damage accumulation over time.

Informative Diagram or Shitpost?

Players react to the diagram in varied ways, praising its clarity or humorously critiquing its simplicity. Some find it informative, while others see it as resembling a budget-conscious production.

Room for Improvement

While the PSA serves its purpose, some players suggest additions like illustrating tentacles under Harold for better communication.

Solo Player Struggles

Solo players express humor and frustration with managing Harold alone, relying on Bosco for cleaning tasks.

Optimal Foam Strategy

Insights on where to direct foam application, emphasizing the significance of targeting the boils directly to effectively deal with Harold.

Capturing the nuances of foam washing in Deep Rock Galactic, players exchange tips, jokes, and observations on handling Harold. The community’s shared experiences and strategies enrich the gameplay and camaraderie within the game.