Mastering the Counterplay: Dealing with the Heal/Shield Meta in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Unravel strategies to overcome the current TFT Heal/Shield meta. Learn how to tactfully counter and overpower such strategies in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Aspiring tacticians and seasoned players are murmuring about the current meta concerns surrounding Team Fight Tactics (TFT). Specifically, the effectiveness of the healing and shielding strategies which have been dominating recent gameplay.


  • Players finding a resilient wall in champions equipped with Bloodthirster and Titan’s Resolve
  • Traditional counter items, like Sunfire and Morellos, not working as effectively
  • Community put forth several potential counters to the heal/shield strategy
  • Players have varying views on the viability of the current meta’s counter strategies

Community Wisdom: Countering Heals & Shields

Community member Ashborn_Saigo suggested that using abilities from Corki can help in reducing healing, and advocates for Guardbreaker to counter shields. Similarly, another gamer bluepower9 recommends Morellos, noting that it has received buffs and is considered a viable option for AP carries. A high dose of “Whale Wisdom” from our community indeed!

Potential TFT Champion Choices

Another approach mentioned was focusing on champions with anti-heal abilities or high single-target damage. For instance, LadyCrownGuard suggests champions like Ahri or Jhin could be the right answer to counter high sustain carries. But beware! This is provided they don’t instantly get jumped on during a match. Remember, you’ve got to protect your valuable pieces!

Item Options Against the Wall

A popular sentiment that arises from this discussion was the potential usage of specific items to counter these resilient champions. The famed Red Buff and Guardbreaker are mentioned to aid in this battle. User Appropriate_Ad_9157 supports the use of Red Buff for carriers and further drives home the value of Guardbreaker as a counter shield option.

The discussion about the heal/shield meta in the world of TFT certainly brings to light the diverse strategies that can be employed to counter this gameplay style. From champion choices to item utilization and overall in-game strategy, it clearly demonstrates the vibrant meta discussion among the game’s community. While the meta may shift as TFT evolves, the wisdom shared in these discussions continues to be a treasure trove for players seeking to adapt and grow with the game. So get your Champions, items, and strategies in order, Tacticians! The fight against the heal/shield meta is far from over!

Categories TFT