Mastering the Controller: Tips for Playing Apex Legends at Level 250

Experience player in Apex Legends seeks advice on using a controller for the first time. Here are some helpful tips from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are always looking for ways to improve their gameplay, even at level 250. Recently, a seasoned player took to Reddit to seek advice on using a controller for the first time. Let’s dive into the community responses and see what tips they had to offer.


  • Practice makes perfect: Spend time in pubs to improve movement.
  • Smooth aiming: Guide your aim across instead of flicking like with a mouse.
  • Adjust settings: Lower sensitivity, play linear, and utilize aim assist.
  • Keep practicing: Improvement comes with time and dedication.

Players Encouraging Improvement

One user advised, “Literally just play more. Playing pubs will make your movement smoother because you have time to practice out of fights. Just play more and you’ll get used to the buttons and get better.”

Adjusting Sensitivity and Aim

Another player suggested, “Lower your sensitivity and try looking around smoothly instead of sudden moves as if you were using a mouse.” This adjustment can make a significant difference in controller gameplay.

Practice Makes Perfect

Several comments emphasized the importance of practice. One user said, “Keep practicing. It’s the only way.” Consistent effort and dedication are key to mastering a new control scheme.

Overall, the Reddit community provided valuable insights and encouragement to the player seeking guidance on using a controller in Apex Legends. With practice and implementing the suggested tips, anyone can improve their gameplay and conquer new challenges in the game.