Mastering the Art of Sidestepping in Tekken: A Guide for New Players

Sidestepping in Tekken can be a game-changer, but do players truly understand its utility? Let's dive into the world of sidesteps!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever heard someone mention sidestepping in Tekken and wondered what it really means? Let’s break down the art of sidestepping in this complex fighting game.


  • Sidestepping in Tekken is not just a casual move; it can create opportunities for whiff-punishing and offense.
  • Understanding when and why to sidestep involves analyzing frame data and opponent habits.
  • Incorporating sidestepping into your gameplay requires practice and awareness of your character’s moves.

Players’ Perspectives

“Its all nice on paper and theory, but for now sidestepping feels less effective due to tracking/hitbox issues,” says Prestigious_Elk_1145.

“I guess, I feel like you usually just get in more trouble side-stepping, especially in 8. In Tekken 7 they usually didn’t change direction while executing a string if you side-stepped the first move,” shares Throwlikeacatapult.

Misconceptions and Realizations

“I was told this so I started stepping. Now I get destroyed because I’m always trying to step everything. Reddit, I hate you,” confesses MistakeImpressive289, highlighting the learning curve of sidestepping.

“Good write up. You could even see if the homing, or tracking attacks they do are highs and if so you can set up a duck for a launch,” suggests Mujakiiiiiii, emphasizing the importance of understanding opponent’s moves.

Challenges and Successes

“Thank you for the information, though Sidestepping annoys me cause there have been times I sidestep and get hit when I shouldn’t have,” laments WolfOnABike, showcasing the frustration of mistimed sidesteps.

“Is this a question or a how-to? You just double-tap up or down to sidestep,” simplifies AngelKitty47, highlighting the straightforward nature of sidestepping mechanically.

Mastering sidestepping in Tekken is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. It’s more than just a movement mechanic; it’s a strategic tool that can elevate your gameplay to new heights. As players grapple with the complexities of sidestepping, the dynamic nature of Tekken unfolds, offering endless possibilities for those willing to delve deeper into its mechanics.