Mastering the Art of Reworking Pack Station/Barter in Manor Lords

Dive into the Manor Lords subreddit to uncover the community's thoughts on the Pack Station/Barter system.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords enthusiasts are stirring up the Reddit community with their thoughts on the Pack Station and Barter system. Recently, a Reddit user, ArBrTrR, expressed their confusion over the limitations of sending goods to new regions within the game. Let’s delve into the discussion!


  • Players desire a revamped system allowing one-way transportation of goods without the need for exchange.
  • Suggestions include a transport option alongside the existing barter system to streamline resource management.
  • A unique approach to using shoes as currency showcases players’ creativity in navigating the current mechanics.

Feudal Realism vs. Player Convenience

Zoift humorously juxtaposes feudal social norms with modern gaming expectations, emphasizing the intricate web of relationships in Manor Lords. The idea of implementing a one-way transport system without repercussions brings an interesting twist to gameplay dynamics.

The Everlasting Shoe Economy

Crobemeister’s imaginative use of shoes as a currency highlights the player’s adaptability within the game’s constraints. This quirky approach adds a layer of complexity and fun to the economic management aspect of Manor Lords.

A Lord’s Responsibility

O-Gz underlines the role-playing essence of Manor Lords by stressing the player’s duty to efficiently expand and manage regions. The suggestion of a ‘cart upgrade’ injects a touch of practicality and ease into the gameplay experience.

As FredWeitendorf sheds light on the realism aspect of the game, raising the barter system’s challenging nature, players appreciate the depth it adds to the gameplay. The fine balance between gameplay challenge and convenience remains a topic of debate within the community.