Mastering Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Did I Troll or Triumph with the Reaper on Aphelios?

Join the discussion about a TFT player's reaper strategy on Aphelios. See how Reddit users analyze the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players gather on Reddit to debrief a player’s strategic move involving Reaper and Aphelios. The player seems unsure if their decision was optimal, seeking advice and insights from the community.


  • Choosing the right units and itemization is crucial for a successful strategy.
  • Improving frontline strength and synergies is essential for a balanced composition.
  • Consider rolling for key champions and adjusting itemization based on the game state.

Insightful Player Feedback

Reddit users point out the importance of unit composition and item choices, highlighting key mistakes and potential improvements. One user suggests focusing on unit synergies, advising the player to replace certain champions to activate stronger traits.

Frontline Concerns

Another user addresses the lack of frontline strength in the player’s composition, emphasizing the importance of a sturdy frontline to protect backline carries. They highlight the need to balance offensive and defensive capabilities for a successful setup.

Itemization Decisions

A user critiques the choice of Radiant Spark without sufficient ability power, signaling a potential mismatch in itemization. They stress the importance of aligning item choices with the team’s overall strategy and strengths.

Overall, the Reddit community offers valuable insights into the game, highlighting the intricate strategies and considerations that can make a difference between success and defeat. With diverse perspectives and constructive criticism, players can learn and improve their gameplay in Team Fight Tactics.

Categories TFT