Mastering Mission Prep in Helldivers: Boosters and Strategy

Discover why Helldivers rely on boosters for mission success.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are diving deep into mission prep, and boosters are the key to success. Want to know why? Let’s dive right in!


  • Boosters are essential for high-level gameplay
  • Choosing the right boosters can make or break a mission
  • Community suggests reworking certain boosters

Boosters: A Double-Edged Sword

Many players have noticed a trend of inadequate booster usage, leading to frustration and missed opportunities for success. The debate rages on about which boosters are essential and which could use a revamp. Some players swear by certain boosters, while others question their utility.

Boosters in the Limelight

Users like Topppz recommend adapting booster usage based on mission difficulty, showcasing the strategic depth of Helldivers’ gameplay. However, GoodGameGabe highlights the limitations of booster slots, suggesting the need for a ship module for essential boosters.

Community Consensus

While opinions on boosters vary, the community agrees on the importance of understanding and utilizing boosters effectively. The call for reworking certain boosters reflects a desire for balance and diversity in mission prep strategies.

Embrace the boosters and conquer the galaxy in Helldivers!