Mastering FIFA: Chip Shots Are Atrocious – Reddit Users’ Advice

Reddit users discuss the struggle of executing chip shots in FIFA, sharing tips and tricks to succeed in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to nail those chip shots in FIFA? Reddit users shared their frustrations and offered some valuable advice on how to improve your gameplay. Check out their insights below!


  • Chip shots in FIFA require precise control and timing.
  • Players recommend using manual crossing and precision lob passes as alternatives.
  • There are differing opinions on the effectiveness of chip shots in various scenarios.

Struggles with Chip Shots

Some users find chip shots challenging due to the limited time to aim and execute the shot accurately. They note that even with chip shot+, it can be challenging to avoid overpowering the shot, causing it to soar over the goal.

Alternative Approaches

Others suggest experimenting with manual crossing and precision lob passes as potential solutions to scoring goals more effectively. These techniques offer higher success rates compared to chip shots in certain situations.

Varying Opinions

While some users have had success with chip shots from side angles, others find them more reliable when receiving the ball under specific circumstances. The community is divided on the consistency and reliability of chip shots in FIFA.

Despite the challenges posed by chip shots, players continue to explore different strategies and approaches to enhance their gameplay experience in FIFA.