Mastering Destiny 2’s Caretaker Encounter for Platinum: Tips and Tricks

Struggling to platinum the Caretaker encounter in Destiny 2? Get expert tips from top players to ace the challenge!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to tackle the Platinum Caretaker encounter in Destiny 2? User Whhheat shared their frustration on Reddit after multiple failed attempts. They expressed the difficulty of achieving the platinum status, highlighting the challenge of maximizing damage output within the tight time constraints.


  • Optimize damage output during the Caretaker encounter to clear it efficiently.
  • Timing is crucial – focus on when to unleash high-damage abilities for maximum impact.
  • Utilize burst supers, class abilities, and surge damage buffs effectively to secure platinum status.

SterlinggArcherrrr’s Advice

SterlinggArcherrrr emphasized the importance of optimizing damage by leveraging surge and class abilities for a smoother run.

CringeStar_Boi’s Input

CringeStar_Boi highlighted that achieving platinum with three floors is feasible with skilled runners, underscoring the need for precision and speed.

utpandey’s Tip

utpandey suggested leveraging burst supers once the Caretaker’s health surpasses the threshold to maximize damage output.

SignalMarvel’s Insight

SignalMarvel advised strategic use of surges and class abilities, emphasizing a coordinated approach to ensure a swift completion.

Whether you’re striving for platinum in the Caretaker encounter or aiming to enhance your raid efficiency in Destiny 2, these insights from the community can help you overcome challenges and optimize your gameplay experience. With the right strategies and teamwork, conquering the toughest encounters in Destiny 2 becomes achievable, paving the way for exciting triumphs and memorable moments in the game.