Marvel Skins Concepts for Fortnite Players – Reddit Discussion

Fortnite fans get creative with Marvel skin ideas in this heated Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are buzzing with excitement over potential MCU and Marvel skin remixes for the game. The thread is filled with suggestions and wishlist items for popular Marvel characters to join the Fortnite universe. From Star-Lord’s trench coat to unique transformation emotes for Iron Man, the community is brimming with creative ideas.


  • Players want MCU-themed skins like Star-Lord’s iconic trench coat.
  • Requests for unique styles and transformation emotes for Iron Man.
  • Debates over the need for more Marvel skins versus reskins in the game.
  • Excitement over the potential remixes and additions to the current skin lineup.

Mixing MCU with Fortnite

Fortnite players are eager to see more MCU-themed skins in the game, with many expressing a desire for characters like Star-Lord and Iron Man to receive unique additions. User Mrpigggg hopes for a MCU Star-Lord skin in the upcoming pass, showcasing the community’s enthusiasm for crossover content.

Marvel Remix Wishes

Aside from MCU skins, users like wastedonlifeTroy are curious about the concept of Marvel remixes and how they would fit into the game’s existing skin lineup. The anticipation for potential remixes is palpable, with players keen to explore new interpretations of classic Marvel characters.

Debates and Desires

While most players are excited about the prospect of new skins, some like MistaDontPlayyy raise concerns about the saturation of Marvel content in Fortnite. The ongoing debate between wanting fresh designs and bemoaning reskins adds a layer of complexity to the community’s reception of Marvel-themed skins.

The Fortnite subreddit is buzzing with speculation and excitement as players brainstorm new Marvel skin concepts and discuss the potential additions to the game. From MCU crossovers to unique remixes, the community’s creativity knows no bounds. As Fortnite continues to evolve, it’s clear that the desire for fresh, innovative content remains a driving force within the player base.