Manor Lords: Are You Not Entertained by Dwarves and Ale?

Discover what Manor Lords players truly find entertaining as they discuss dwarves, ale, and future entertainment mechanics in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are pondering the question of entertainment within the game. With discussions ranging from dwarves to jousting arenas, the community shares their diverse perspectives on what keeps them engaged.


  • Players contemplate entertainment options within Manor Lords
  • Diverse suggestions, including jousting arenas and playhouses, are raised
  • Some players humorously tie entertainment to dwarves and ale in the game

Entertainment Mechanics

Player ImNotAGameStopASL expresses interest in seeing entertainment mechanics introduced, such as jousting arenas or playhouses, especially as towns expand. This suggestion hints at a desire for immersive experiences beyond traditional gameplay elements.

Dwarven Delights

User Kedryn71 humorously implies that the only form of fun for Manor Lords characters is drinking, suggesting a lighthearted view on entertainment within the game world. This playful quip adds a touch of humor to the discussion.

Alehouse Antics

Commenter weirdSays points out the importance of ale in taverns, indicating a thematic connection between ale consumption and entertainment within Manor Lords. This observation highlights how even simple elements can contribute to the overall player experience.

Player notdansky jokingly references drinking, further emphasizing the recurring theme of ale and merriment within the game world. The intertwining of ale with entertainment resonates with the community, fostering camaraderie and amusement.