Manor Lords: A Promising City Builder with RTS Mechanics

Explore the excitement surrounding Manor Lords, a game that may fulfill gamers' dream of a city builder with RTS elements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the subreddit post for Manor Lords, users are ecstatic about the prospect of a city builder with RTS components. The anticipation is palpable as the community eagerly awaits the game’s development.


  • Users are thrilled about the combination of city building and RTS in Manor Lords.
  • Anticipation is high for combat and siege mechanics, along with innovative gameplay features.
  • Support for the developer’s vision and enthusiasm is evident in the community.

Excitement for City Building

Manor Lords seems to capture the essence of what fans have been longing for—a strategic city builder intertwined with the intensity of real-time strategy elements. This unique blend has players eager to experience the game’s evolution.

Support for the Developer

Users express confidence in the developer’s ability to deliver a remarkable gaming experience, citing alignment with community expectations and a passion for creating immersive gameplay.

Nostalgia and Hype

For many players, Manor Lords evokes fond memories of beloved classics like Stronghold Legends. The game’s familiar yet innovative approach has reignited nostalgia and enthusiasm within the community.

The anticipation surrounding Manor Lords reflects a collective yearning for a city builder with robust RTS mechanics. As fans eagerly await the game’s progress, the community’s excitement continues to grow, fueled by nostalgia, innovation, and unwavering support for the developer’s vision.